Moxie Days, 2012

November 03, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

Moxie…you either have it, or you don’t. What is Moxie, you ask? If we’re referring to the drink, it’s a rather disgusting carbonated beverage, (in my opinion), but has a huge cult following of people who nearly worship it. For the sake of my blog, however, I’m referring to someone or something having “moxie” because he/she is full of courage, vigor, nerve, guts, and so on. For people-watchers like myself, it becomes apparent almost immediately that a majority of the people in attendance during Moxie Days have “moxie.” It oozes out of their pores like it flows out of THE can.

This year, in particular, I was amazed at how VIBRANT the crowd was. Jubilant, you could say. Perhaps everyone had consumed their “nerve food” before the parade’s start? It was a little odd, because I have always noticed that the majority of people watching the parade were a tad grumpy, rude, inappropriate, and maybe even embarrassed that their children insisted on having the best view in town–the closer to the Kora Karts, the better. It was different this year, and it was all because of the man with the goat.

We sat next to the man with the goat, and I couldn’t help but stare. The man exuded moxie. Have you ever seen a man bring his pet goat to watch the parade? It’s wild! So, this “moxie” man and his goat (who was the epitome of moxie, because ALL goats have moxie), sit on the curb (yes, the goat sat there and observed), and you can see the crowd is fascinated by this. The parade begins, and there is a brief shift of excitement, because the heat was unbearable, and for the moment, we were beyond ready to see the clowns, floats, politicians (UGH), marching bands, and so on, so we could all enjoy the festivities to follow. It lasted only a moment, and then everyone was fixated on the goat again. Every participant in the parade stopped to see him, photographers (like myself) couldn’t help but capture this oddity, local news stations and their camera crews interviewed them, and even politicians took a moment of their time to meet the man with the goat. They were the star attraction. THEY WERE MOXIE. In all my life, I have never seen anything like it. During a time when we’re so caught up with politics, the economy, our ability (or inability) to make ends meet, a man and his goat emerge to steal the show–to make everyone stop for a moment to stare, laugh, smile, gasp, admire, and most of all, APPRECIATE the little things–a man, a goat, and Moxie.


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